"Make Our Hong Kong a Better Place to Live" is a shared core purpose amongst every HKBN Talent. We believe conventional pursuits of charity may be insufficient to do good over an extended period of time. As the saying goes: give a man a fish and you feed him for a day; teach a man to fish and you feed him for a lifetime. Knowing this, we strive beyond pure philanthropy to engender Corporate Social Investment (CSI), through which we empower people to become self-sufficient and generate lasting and sustainable good for society.
At HKBN, we have a dedicated CSI team that organises various kinds of socially benefitting activities; our team leverages use of our resources to maximise long-term social impact. Of the various ways we do this, our association with social enterprises whereby we entrust some of our routine operations, such as part of our telephone number enquiry service and our in-house sandwich bar, are prime examples. These ventures not only provide a stable stream of occupational income for the underprivileged, but they also help boost confidence and social network for those involved, improving lives in the long run.
And to reinforce the impact of CSI, our Talents have even gone so far as to establish our own NGO, the "HKBN Talent CSI Fund", via a self-financed HK$5 million investment. Operating under the principles of "Self-Funded", "Self-Governed" and "Self-Run", the Fund continues to initiate a broad range of CSI projects, and has to date organised over 25 projects.
Visit the HKBN Talent CSI Fund home page to learn more, or view this video to discover more about key initiatives undertaken by the Fund during the past year.