Customer data safety is our top priority

HKBN has announced industry-leading strong network security initiatives to strengthen protection of customer data by retaining far less customer-related personal data, such as deleting all personal data of non-existing customers and removing partial HKID numbers from front-line system by end of June, completely removing from its database 6 digits (1234 56XX XXXX 1234) of credit card numbers of its existing customers and use tokens instead of full credit card numbers to support payment transactions between the company and the relevant banks. Through these initiatives, we aim to ensure all customer data is thoroughly secured and protected.

Moreover, HKBN is now in discussion with Office of the Communications Authority about the feasibility of deleting partial HKID numbers in other internal systems as well. Once approval is granted, HKBN will adopt the policy as soon as possible. For details about the network security enhancement initiatives, please click here to know more.

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