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Friends of HKBN

Dear Friends of HKBN

Celebrating 2,550 Years of Service at HKBN

As a Talent-obsessed company, we at HKBN especially treasure our long-service Talents. As such, we’re ecstatic to celebrate the 10th, 20th, 30th and 40th anniversaries of 185 Talents across Hong Kong, Macau and Mainland China, for their aggregate tenure of 2,550 years. And in recognition of their contributions – as per our company’s tradition – each of our long service Talents has received a priceless HKBN 99.9% gold coin.


“For us, work is much more than merely clocking-in and clocking-out, but rather this is how 5,000 of us come together as an Elite Sports team to execute our Core Purpose of ‘Make our Home a Better Place to Live’ and leave a lasting community legacy beyond our careers.”
NiQ Lai, our Co-Owner and Group CEO
1 year shy of 20 years of HKBN service

“Having the drive to serve a company for many years takes more than one’s own passion, efforts and loyalty, but it also requires a great company work culture, backing from supervisors, and awesome support from colleagues. In short, HKBN is a great place to work and build a career!”
Connie So, our Manager — Customer Service,
Enterprise Solutions
30 years of HKBN service


“Over the past 20 years, I have experienced a lot of changes which have helped me continuously grow. I have enjoyed working with Talents from so many different teams, and I hope to keep progressing and make more contributions with the company for another 10 years or more!”
Alex Chow, our Co-Owner and Associate Director — Product Management & Marketing, Residential Solutions
20 years of HKBN service

“Hard to believe that it has been 10 years already. During these 10 years, I have participated in and witnessed HKBN’s growth and have gone on a wonderful journey of learning and growth. I look forward to making more contributions in the next 10 years and achieving even greater success together with HKBN.”
Stephen Lui, our Co-Owner and Deputy Chief Information Officer
10 years of HKBN service


They say decades in tech is like 100+ in any other legacy industry… meet the veteran HKBNers who’ve seen and done it all!


For safe keeping in our HKBN museum in the clouds, we turned our long service journey into a quirky cartoon episode.


Faux flowers for 30 years of service? Just kidding, we broke the bank by handing out commemorative gold coins!


Our love for HKBN on display!

17 May 2023


Leading through purpose, HKBN tops Hong Kong’s telco industry in ESG*
*Based on the Hang Seng Corporate Sustainability Benchmark Index and MSCI’s ESG Ratings
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