Dear Friends of HKBN
Introducing HOME+, a Shared Economy e-Shopping Platform
Transforming Online Shopping with Unique Cross-brand Collaborations
As consumers structurally shift their shopping habits online under COVID, HOME+, a brand-new e-shopping portal powered by HKBN and our partners, launched today to answer the long-term needs of household consumers in the buzzing e-commerce marketspace. Created to take traditional online shopping experiences to all new levels of care and attention, HOME+ delivers a heart-warming “plus” by supplementing a diverse range of wholesome foods, appliances, health supplements and personal care goods.
Unlike other legacy e-shopping channels, HOME+ does not charge merchants a slotting fee or annual fee to showcase and promote their products on its online platform, instead it will take a Win-Win-Win (Win3) partnership approach by actively co-investing in cross-media promotions to help connect featured brands to an established broad spectrum of consumers.
William Yeung, our Co-Owner & Executive Vice-chairman and Executive Chairman of HOME+ said, “In today’s new normal, HOME+ has built a shared economy platform on the established incremental economies of our partners. Via revenue share rather than fixed mark-up costs, HOME+ opens itself up to merchants of all types and sizes (including small businesses and social enterprises), allowing them to much more easily and far more cost-effectively to reach online/offline customers on a massive scale. We aspire for Win3 for all by drawing merchants to share resources, combine strengths as to deliver to customers products of great value.”
“HOME+ is now in commercial beta-stage, selling products from over 400 different brands, and we expect to see this number grow exponentially within our first year,” William added.