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HKBN introduced “Team Up for the Community” with tailor-made activities to reshape the dynamics of team building while helping different communities!

Dear Friends of HKBN

Team Building Gets a Purposeful Makeover

When most think of team building, they often picture a day of adventure, problem solving or even a leisurely get-together. At HKBN, we've come up with something different called “Team Up for the Community” – an initiative which combines team building with focused efforts to 'Make our Hong Kong a Better Place to Live'!

From our experience, we found that by adding mission-based objectives to help local communities, the engagement factor for each Talent completely skyrockets! And instead of randomly putting people into the mix, each activity is tailored around individual team strengths to deliver maximum impact for beneficiaries!

Communities benefit from our impact. Our volunteer teams utilise their skills, passion and care to address community needs, like fixing computers in Mui Wo or by helping seniors from Kwu Tung navigate new neighbourhood surroundings.

Talents forming meaningful bonds. Through tailor-made activities, our super motivated Talents merge into closely-knit units to tackle objectives like renovating an under-resourced kindergarten!

With 18 community activities completed so far by 16 different teams, our Talents are now raving about the initiative!

“My team had a really wonderful time helping seniors stay active at a handicraft workshop. This activity provided a special opportunity for Talents to work with each other, so even for those who don’t normally interact can connect. It was encouraging to see that even after our community work was done, the team brought this connection back to the office in both dealing with daily work and as conversations over lunch. Seeing the benefits on both Talents and the communities, I will be signing up when these events are hosted again.”
Henry Li, Co-Owner and Associate Director – Marketing, Enterprise Solutions

“While I also volunteer during my spare time, doing it as a team makes the occasion even more meaningful. The chance to work closely with teammates and other colleagues outside the office strengthened my sense of belonging. It’s not all about us either – seeing our positive impact in the communities we visit drives us to pour our hearts into the task at hand.”
Charlie Ng, Senior Support System Engineer

Click here to watch “Team Up for the Community” highlights


We’ve got your back! Our Information Technology System Administration team helped install and replace necessities for seniors in the outlying island of Peng Chau.


Our Procurement team took their detail-mindedness to the handicraft workshop and got their hands dirty in making art with the elderly!


STEM learning starts early! Our IT (Enterprise Solutions) team played programming games with kindergarten children at Mui Wo’s under-resourced Lick Hang Kindergarten.


Not only was our IT (Enterprise Solutions) team teaching children, they were also tuning up computers for the school and the Mui Wo community!

22 November 2019


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