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HKBN PC Doctors
  Dear Friends of HKBN

35 HKBN Broadband Engineers Discover the Joys of Moonlighting
  At the heart of the HKBN ethos is a sincere desire to make our Hong Kong a better place to live. And while Hong Kong ranks amongst the world’s wealthiest in terms of GDP, our city remains beset by economic imbalance between the haves and the have nots, where one in five of our fellow citizens live below the poverty line.

Amongst the many caring initiatives undertaken by HKBN Talents, a team of 35 members from our broadband engineers recently pledged to make a difference in the most pertinent way they could: by diagnosing and fixing computers free of charge for the benefit of underprivileged families. Spending one day a week on home visits spanning Hong Kong, our ‘PC Doctors’ target their support for at least 200-250 families in the approaching one year.

Seeking nothing other than broad smiles on the faces of needy families and their children, our broadband engineers found themselves – to their own surprise – also benefiting from the programme.

“I’ve done plenty of volunteer work in the past, but my participation as a ‘PC Doctor’ has been especially joyful. I now fully appreciate why it is more rewarding to give than to receive,” said Kwok-wah Ho, who has joined HKBN since 2006.

“I am very pleased that we have helped these families feel warmth and care from the community. To have done my part for society, I feel a profound sense of purpose,” said Ho-kai Au, a veteran broadband engineer who has been with us for 13 years.

Credit also goes to our community partner ChickenSoup Foundation, a local philanthropic organisation, whose expertise helps expedite the task of identifying each needy case for our handling.
HKBN PC Doctors' house call in Chai Wan
HKBN PC Doctors' house call in Chai Wan
  Our PC Doctors turn up in Hong Kong’s east end to lend a helping hand.  

  HKBN PC Doctors' house call in Kowloon City.

The spirit of togetherness that comes from charitable sharing is captured during this house call in Kowloon City.

  Appreciation is adorably conveyed in this handwritten thank-you note from children visited by our PC Doctors.

Appreciation is conveyed in this endearing thank-you note from children visited by our PC Doctors.

  16 July 2015

Hong Kong Broadband Network Limited